Medical Terminology Questions for CPC Exam

Medical Terminology Questions for CPC Exam

Hello Readers , Welcome to Medico Pediaa , Today I will explain about Medical Terminology questions for CPC exam. In CPC exam out of 100 questions there are 4 questions come from anatomy sections and 4 questions come from medical terminology sections.In this article we selected most repeated questions of medical terminology and anatomy questions for CPC exam. If you are ready to prepare cpc questions of all series then you give extra time for medical terminology and anatomy questions which are helpful for getting highest mark in CPC exam.

Medical Terminology Questions for CPC Exam


In this website you get all series wise guidelines and also series wise questions and answers for practice CPC exam. CPC exam is not much more toughtest exam , its based on conceptual based , if you read questions from cool minded then you can find code easily form ICD and CPT book. Let’s Start medical terminology questions for cpc exam and also anatomy questions for cpc exam.


Q1. The suffix -ectomy means: 

  1. Cutting into 
  2. Surgical removal 
  3. A permanent opening 
  4. Surgical repair 


Q2. The term “Salpingo- Oophorectomy refers to 

  1. The removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries
  2. The surgical sampling or removal of a fertilized eggs
  3. Cutting into fallopian tubes and ovaries for surgical purpose 
  4. Cutting into fertilized egg for surgical purpose.


Q3. Cryopreservation is a means of Preserving something through:

  1. Saturation 
  2. Heat
  3. Freezing 
  4. Chemical


Q4. Which of the following describes the removal of fluid from a body cavity:

  1. Arthrocentesis 
  2. Aminocentesis
  3. Pericardiocentesis
  4. Paracentesis


Q5. If a surgeon cuts into a patient’s stomach he has performed a: 

  1. Gastrotomy
  2. Gastrostomy 
  3. Gastrectomy 
  4. Gastrorraphy


Q6. What is the term used for inflammation of the bone and bone marrow?

  1. Chondromertosis
  2. Osteochondritis 
  3. Costochondritis
  4. Osteomyelitis 


Q7. The root word trich/o means:

  1. Hair
  2. Sebum
  3. Eyelids 
  4. Trachea


Q8. Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation affecting which system :

  1. Digestive 
  2. Nervous 
  3. Urinary 
  4. Cardiovascular 


Q9. What does oligospermia means?

  1. Presence of blood in the semen
  2. Deficiency of sperm in semen
  3. Having sperm in urine 
  4. Formation of spermatozoa 


Q10. Thoracocentesis is removing fluid from the: 

  1. Lungs
  2. Chest cavity 
  3. Thoracic vertebrae 
  4. Heart


Q11. An angiogram is a study to look inside:

  1. Female reproductive system 
  2. Urinary system 
  3. Blood vessels 
  4. Breasts


Q12. In the medical term myopathy means:

  1. Mind 
  2. Muscle 
  3. Eyes
  4. Nervous system 


Q13. Pyloromyotomy is performed in which    of the following body systems:

  1. Cardiovascular 
  2. Gastrointestinal 
  3. Musculoskeletal 
  4. Nervous 


Q14. What is orchitis?

  1. Inner ear imbalance 
  2. Inflammation of an ilioinguinal hernia 
  3. Inflammation of testis
  4. Lacrimal infection 


Q15. Which combining form refers to the small intestine?

  1. Enter/o
  2. Gastr/o
  3. Leli/o
  4. Oste/o


Q16. Which term refers to anus , rectum and cecum?

  1. Rectal 
  2. Anorectal 
  3. Ileum 
  4. Esophageal 


Q17. Which of the following term for surgical lip reconstruction?

  1. Zplasty
  2. Chelioplasty
  3. Tympanoplasty 
  4. Blepharoplasty


Q18. Colporrhaphy is the repair of which of the following?

  1. Bladder 
  2. Intestine 
  3. Spleen 
  4. Vagina 


Q19. This term is also known as a homograft:

  1. Autograft 
  2. Allograft 
  3. Xenograft 
  4. Xenograft


Q20. This medical term means thirst

  1. Acr/o
  2. Cortic/o
  3. Stomat/o
  4. Dips/o

CPT Series Wise Question


Q21. The general meaning of “corpus” is best described by which of the following?

  1.  Abdomen
  2.  Body
  3. Chest
  4. Head


Q22. Which of the following is the term for an abnormally low white blood cell count?

  1.  Anemia
  2.  Leukemia
  3.  Leukocytosis
  4.  Leukopenia


Q23. The term “lithiasis” is best described by which of the following?

  1. Constriction of tissue
  2.  Dissolving
  3.  Abnormal condition of stones
  4. Penetrating a cavity


Q24. The combining form “cephal/o” refers to which of the following?

  1.  Abdomen
  2.  Head
  3. Neck
  4. Spine


Q25. Which of the following terms means drainage from the nose?

  1.  Rhinolalia
  2. Rhinomycosis
  3. Rhinophyma
  4. Rhinorrhea


Q26. Which of the following is the term for abnormally large breasts in men?

  1. Gynander
  2.  Gynecomania
  3.  Gynecomastia
  4.  Gynephobia


Q27. Which of the following terms refers to the ability to breathe comfortably only when in an upright position?

  1.  Apnea
  2. Dyspnea
  3.  Hypercapnia
  4.  Orthopnea


Q28. Adipose tissue is made of which of the following?

  1. Fat cells
  2. Lymph nodes
  3. Muscles
  4.  Skin


Q29. Menarche refers to which of the following?

  1.  Beginning of menstruation
  2.  Development of female 
  3. Characteristics
  4. End of childhood


Q30. An area of dead myocardial tissue is best described by which of the following?

  1. Angina pectoris
  2. Hypertrophy
  3. An induration
  4. An infarct


Q31. The prefix pertaining to fingernail is which of the following terms?

  1. Odont-
  2. Olfact-
  3.  Omphal-
  4. Onych-


Q32. Which of the following is the CORRECT spelling for the plural of bronchus?

  1. Bronchuses
  2. Bronchii
  3. Bronchi
  4. Bronchae


Q33. Which of the following suffixes means “cutting operation”?

  1. -plasty
  2. -scopy
  3. -stomy
  4.  -tomy


Q34. Which of the following is the definition for aphagia?

  1. Extreme thirst
  2. Inability to hear
  3. Inability to swallow
  4.  Loss of hair


Q35. Which of the following terms refers to pain?

  1.  Arthralgia
  2.  Diplopia
  3.  Dysplasia
  4.  Hemiplegia


Q36. Which of the following suffixes refers to eating?

  1.  “phagia”
  2.  “phasia”
  3.  “phonia”
  4. “plegia”


Q37. The patient’s complaint of painful menstrual periods will be documented in the medical record as which of the following?

  1.  Amenorrhea
  2. Dysmenorrhea
  3. Menorrhagia
  4. Menorrhea


Q38. The prefix “brady-” means which of the following?

  1. Away from
  2. Downward
  3. Irregular
  4. Slow


Q39. The prefix meaning outside or outer is which of the following?

  1. Ana-
  2. Dia-
  3.  Epi-
  4.  Exo-


Q40. Inflammation of a sweat gland is known as which of the following terms?

  1.  Colitis
  2. Fasciitis
  3. Hidradenitis
  4. Pimelitis


Q41. Which of the following is the plural form of the medical term that means chest?

  1.  Alveoli
  2.  Calyces
  3. Pleurae
  4. Thoraces


Q42. Which of the following is the medical term for hair loss?

  1. Folliculitis
  2.  Eczema
  3.  Pediculosis
  4.  Alopecia


Q43. Which of the following terms is used to describe a lateral curvature of the spine?

  1. Kyphosis
  2. Scoliosis
  3.  Osteoporosis
  4.  Lordosis


Q44. Which of the following terms is used to describe a condition in which the body produces too much cortisol?

  1. Gigantism
  2.  Myxedema
  3. Cushing’s syndrome
  4. Diabetes insipidus


Q45. “K” is the chemical symbol for which of the following substances?

  1. Barium
  2.  Calcium
  3. Iron
  4. Potassium


Q46. Which of the following is the chemical symbol for iron?

  1. F
  2. Fe
  3. Fr
  4.  I


Q47. Which of the following is the term for reconstruction of the eardrum?

  1. Myringotomy
  2. Otoplasty
  3. Tympanocentesis
  4. Tympanoplasty


Q48. Colporrhaphy is the repair of which of the following?

  1. Bladder
  2. Spleen
  3. Uterus
  4.  Vagina


Q49. Which of the following terms describes surgical fixation of the uterus in a suspended position?

  1.  Hysterectomy
  2. Hysterodesis
  3. Hysteropexy
  4.  Hysteroscopy


Q50.A pyloromyotomy is performed in which of the following body systems?

  1. Cardiovascular
  2. Gastrointestinal
  3. Musculoskeletal
  4.  Nervous


Q51.Which of the following is a surgical procedure in which a pendulous breast is lifted and fixed to the chest wall?

  1.  Mastostomy
  2.  Mastotomy
  3.  Mastectomy
  4. Mastopexy


Q52.  Which of the following is an incision made to enlarge the opening of the external urethra?

  1. Cystotomy
  2. Meatotomy
  3. Nephrostomy
  4. Pyelostomy


Q53. Korotkoff sounds are evaluated by which of the following procedures?

  1. Counting the apical heartbeat
  2. Determining the blood pressure
  3.  Performing ultrasonography
  4. Evaluating the pulse


Q54. Which of the following is a procedure in which synovial fluid is removed for analysis?

  1.  Apheresis
  2. Arthrocentesis
  3. Arthrography
  4.  Arthroscopy


Q55. Which of the following procedures is indicated when an abnormal growth is identified on a barium enema X-ray study?

  1. Arthroscopy
  2. Bronchoscopy
  3. Colonoscopy
  4.  Cystoscopy


Q56. Which of the following branches of medicine specializes in the study of musculoskeletal system?

  1. Nephrology 
  2. Urology 
  3. Orthopedics
  4. Gyneocology


Q57. A patient with encephalitis is most likely to be treated by which of the following specialist?

  1. Hematologist 
  2. Nephrologist 
  3. Oncologist 
  4. Neurologist 


Q58. A cytoscope is an instrument used most commonly by a specialist in which of the following? 

  1. Gastroenterology 
  2. Urology 
  3. Endocrinology 
  4. Radiology 


Q59. A patient who have hypogonadism, prolactinoma and hirsutum will most likely be referred to which of the following specialist? 

  1. Pathologist 
  2. Immunologist
  3. Endocrinologist 
  4. Gerontologist


Q60. Polydipsia, polyuria, good appetite with weight loss, and blurred vision are signs and symptoms of which of the following conditions?

  1. Gout 
  2. Marasmus 
  3. Diabetes mellitus 
  4. Hypothyroidism 


Q61. Which of the following is the correct spelling for the focusing ability of eye ? 

  1. Accommodation 
  2. Accomedation
  3. Acocmedation
  4. Acommodation 


Q62. Which of the following spelling is correct? 

  1. Abces
  2. Abscess 
  3. Abacus
  4. Absess


Q63. Which of the following are round bacteria that growth in pairs ? 

  1. Streptococci 
  2. Bacilli 
  3. Diplococci
  4. Staphylococcus 


Q64. Which of the following word is mispelled? 

  1. Adenopathy 
  2. Badophill
  3. Edematus
  4. Myeloid 


Q65. Which of the following is a malignant tumor of the eye that is known to be hereditary?

  1.  Glioblastoma
  2. Neuroblastoma
  3. Osteosarcoma
  4.  Retinoblastoma


Q66. What is the correct meaning of “angio” ?

  1. Mouth 
  2. Water 
  3. Vessels 
  4. Lung


Q67. What is the suffix of “inflammation” ?

  1. Scope
  2. Itis
  3. Tomy
  4. Osis


Q68. A blue “discoloration” of skin 

  1. Cynosis
  2. Cilium
  3. Edema 
  4. Effusion 


Q69. “Skin” is the meaning of what root word?

  1. Myo
  2. Cyno
  3. Oyo
  4. Derm


Q70. “Febri” refers to:

  1. Stomach 
  2. Blue 
  3. Fever 
  4. Mouth 


Q71. The “suffix” ectomy refers to :

  1. Condition 
  2. Incision 
  3. Paralysis
  4. Growth 


Q72: what is the correct suffix for “movement” ?

  1. Pnea
  2. Osis
  3. Algia
  4. Taxis


Q73. What is the root word for “slow” ? 

  1. Cyno
  2. Gastro
  3. Brady
  4. Tachy


Q74. What is the prefix for “above normal”?

  1. Poly
  2. Hyper
  3. Mega
  4. Hypo


Q75. Which of the following best defines a “suffix”?

  1. Found in all medical term
  2. Found at the end the root
  3. Always found in the middle of the word
  4. Found at the beginning of the root 


Q76. The prefix poly refers to:

  1. Half
  2. Above normal 
  3. Many
  4. Against 


Q77. What is the root word of skin ?

  1. Dermis
  2. Cyano
  3. Myo
  4. Ortho


Q78. Which of the following is the term for abnormally large breasts in men?

  1. Gynecomastia 
  2. Gynephobia
  3. Gynoplastics
  4. Gynander


Q79. Adipose tissue is made of which of the following?

  1. Fat cells 
  2. Lymph nodes 
  3. Muscle 
  4. Skin


Q80. Inflammation of sweat gland is known as which of the following terms ?

  1. Colitis 
  2. Fasciitis 
  3. Hidradenitis 
  4. Pimelitis 




  1. b                                      21. b                                   41. d                                    61. a
  2. a.                                     22. d                                    42. d                                     62. b
  3. c                                      23. c                                    43. b.                                     63. c
  4. d                                     24. d                                    44. c.                                     64. b
  5. a                                     25. d                                    45. d                                      65. d  
  6. d                                     26. c.                                   46. b.                                      66. c
  7. a                                     27. d.                                   47. d.                                      67. b
  8. c                                     28. a.                                    48. d.                                       68. a
  9. b                                     29. a.                                   49. c.                                         69. d
  10. c                                     30. d                                     50. b.                                        70. c
  11. c                                     31. d.                                    51. d.                                         71. b
  12. b                                    32. c.                                     52. b.                                         72. c
  13. b                                     33. d.                                    53. b.                                         73. c
  14. c                                      34. c.                                    54. b.                                         74. b
  15. a                                      35. a.                                    55. c.                                         75. b
  16. b.                                    36. a.                                     56. c.                                          76. c
  17. b.                                    37. b.                                     57. d.                                          77. a
  18. d.                                   38. d.                                      58. b.                                          78. a
  19. b.                                   39. d.                                      59. c.                                          79. a
  20. d.                                   40. c.                                      60. c.                                           80. c


In this Article We Cover Medical Terminology Questions for CPC Exam and anatomy questions for cpc exam.

Medical Terminology for cpc exam , mock questions for cpc exam , questions series for cpc exam, how to prepare for cpc exam, medicla coding exam preparation.

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